BALLS After Dark.23 With the hippin' and the hoppin' and the bippin' and the boppin'
An After Dark Hiphop Special, in which Beeso and guest host Ozi Batla get into some good times and classic memories from back in the day when our Beeso ran a couple of Brisbane music venues including the Alley, and did his bit to promote the nascent Australian hiphop scene of which Batla's troupe the Herd were in the vanguard. Or the Tarago. In the process Beeso and Batla review Diamond D and the Psychotic Neurotics' Stunts, Blunts and Hip Hop, in Batla's estimation 'a slept on classic', which explains the creases. They also get to mad scientists of recording, Sell Out With Me Tonight, losing your edge, it's the vibe, Batla's solo album Wild Colonial, the importance of time and place, why don't we get Kendrick Lamar, where's the fun in modern hiphop, why can't Beeso remember which classic album we did last week (hint: it sure as fuck wasn't (What's The Story) Morning Glory), why every head loves Roots, digital versus physical, and Batla's new Mexican food biz The Prickly Pear. Check out that and other Batla-related endeavours at
Next week the Doc returns with his classic pick of Reef's 1997 album Glow (yeah it's not really on Spotify but whatevs) while Beeso has picked new releases by Rudimental and Philadelphia Grand Jury.