BALLS.33 You're a goal scorin' superstar hero

BALLS.33 You're a goal scorin' superstar hero


In which the Doc and guest host @adamhfoto discuss who stole the Smurfs' bedsheet, pink balls and Paw Patrol, defamation stations, Royal Commissions, what the fuck is a Kraigg Brathwaite, replacing your divots, My Old Man He Told Me, the decline and fall of Chris Cairns, Military Medium, Sensible Soccer aftertouch, RRRRRRICKY PONTINGGGG, Boxing Day Fails, silent screaming, Home And Away And Away Again, our RWC semi finals preview, Jake The Muss In Spaaaace, riding bicycles off cliffs for no apparent reason, pour a little out for Red Bull's cinematographers, and our comprehensive AFL trade coverage which goes for almost two and a half minutes.

BALLS After Dark.25 I know why dinosaurs became extinct

BALLS After Dark.25 I know why dinosaurs became extinct

BALLS After Dark.24 I've got nuthin

BALLS After Dark.24 I've got nuthin