BALLS After Dark.09 You say Sasquatch and I say Saskwatch

BALLS After Dark.09 You say Sasquatch and I say Saskwatch

(Let's call the whole thing off) In which Beeso attempts to listen to modern Triple J indie pop and immediately gives up on music, which bodes reasonably poorly for the future of #BALLS After Dark. He then comes in off the long runup to fire in a short-pitched rant about Tay Tay, while Dr Yobbo wonders how many Taragos are needed to take Saskwatch to a gig. We argue whether live albums count as new music (yeah nah kinda sorta OK then), discover BRMC have finally hired a decent front-of-house sound guy since Livid 2003, and Beeso gives yet another series of gratuitous unpaid plugs to Apple's new streaming service without actually having used it. *cough fanboi cough*

This coming week's Album Review Challenge contenders are 90s riot grrls Sleater-Kinney and fuzzy muff divers King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. This week's question without notice: we want to know what your favourite soundtrack albums are. Views on any or all of that lot? Hit us up @theballspodcast.

Balls.18 I'm sure we've talked about this before

Balls.18 I'm sure we've talked about this before

BALLS.17 World Series Goat-Tipping

BALLS.17 World Series Goat-Tipping