BALLS After Dark.19 It's Novel! It's Unique! It's Shithouse!
Yobs and wankers unite, it's the #BALLS After Dark TISM Special. This week's classic album is the legendary Australian electro-rock pisstakers' 1998 release, but is that their best effort? What makes a great TISM album? What made TISM great? Were they great? Were they shit? Why is everything shit? What are you looking at? Did you spill my pint? Do you fucking want a go? Why don't you come and get some you cu... erm anyway also this week Beeso and the Doc review new albums by Foals and Young Fathers, discover how depressingly popular a geography teacher with a bunch of old jazz records and a copy of ProTools can become, and talk What Not To Wear (when podcasting), 'interesting' albums, the NME within, sentient stop signs, the Caveat Emptour goes Festy, blaming the people on the internet, tripping up on trip-hop, and we reveal Dr Y's Definitive NWOBHM Power Rankings.
Next week: new stuff from Royal Headache and Iron Maiden, two bands at opposite ends of their career timelines, and a classic from Massive Attack. Next week's and this week's releases (TISM aside) are on our #BALLS Spotify playlist. But for now: the footy's on the radio. Shut up.