Balls After Dark.17 I got a story to tell
In which Beeso channels Biggie (if only to slag Tame Impala's new album again), we send love to our target demographic and shouts to our new sponsor, discuss the New Sound of 1962, keeping it clean, polishing turds, Arrested Development references that are completely lost on the Doc, the bottom dropping out of the Hunters, the appeal of old Datsuns, singularity of purpose, Pick Up Sticks, frontmen who sit up the back, Bruce Dickinson's airpoints status, getting people into the tent, Two Dogs (not Kenny Sutcliffe), Bangin Choonz, Theophilis Thistlethwaite, and the final proof that it's not the size that matters, it's what you do with it.
Reviewed this week: The Bohicas' The Making Of and Tedeschi Trucks Band et al. Live from Spotify NYC. Classic album: The Datsuns, 2002. Also mentioned in dispatches: the Hunters + Collectors live album, Death Rattle Boogie and Deep Sleep by the Datsuns, the D4's 6Twenty (not on Spotify, but here's their very decent followup), Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings' back catalogue, and the only card you need. (Lemmy missed a trick not getting that Amex promo deal.) Next week: Algiers, Motörhead, and the 15th anniversary of the Resin Dogs' debut album.