BALLS After Dark.20 Felipe Massa Attack
In which Beeso and the Doc talk Your Logo Here and Japanese beer, a word from our sponsor, Beeso drops one, roadtrip headaches, editorial differences, Triple J recommendations, airship disasters, Crusaders run-on music, Hashtag Niche, more editorial differences, background vs foreground, our weekly contractually-obligated Mutt Lange reference, what Wu Tang ain't that Portishead is, Bristol City Rovers, it's the vibe, Beeso leaving a light on for the second wave of trip-hop and/or Harold Holt, old DMC, going for a Slash, our weekly contractually-obligated Keef Flint impersonation, and we try to locate Noel's Froot Platteh.
This week's new reviews: Royal Headache's 'High' and Iron Maiden's 'The Book Of Souls'. Beeso's classic album nomination: 'Mezzanine' by Massive Attack. Next week's new albums are by the Prodigy and Lana del Ray, with an old froot platteh of Noel's being spun as a quote Classic Album unquote. Next week's and this week's releases are on our #BALLS Spotify playlist.
A reminder: in this week's episodes of the pod (BALLS.28 and BALLS After Dark.20) we're running our #BirmosBalls Show Notes challenge. Retweet or re-Facebook-post a link to either episode with your own precis of the contents, like we do every episode, with the hashtag #BirmosBalls for a chance to win brand new explodey-goodness books by legendary Australian author John Birmingham. The best (not necessarily most factualist) show notes, as judged at the end of the week, win the goodies. Get amongst it.