BALLS After Dark.20 Felipe Massa Attack

BALLS After Dark.20 Felipe Massa Attack

In which Beeso and the Doc talk Your Logo Here and Japanese beer, a word from our sponsor, Beeso drops one, roadtrip headaches, editorial differences, Triple J recommendations, airship disasters, Crusaders run-on music, Hashtag Niche, more editorial differences, background vs foreground, our weekly contractually-obligated Mutt Lange reference, what Wu Tang ain't that Portishead is, Bristol City Rovers, it's the vibe, Beeso leaving a light on for the second wave of trip-hop and/or Harold Holt, old DMC, going for a Slash, our weekly contractually-obligated Keef Flint impersonation, and we try to locate Noel's Froot Platteh.

This week's new reviews: Royal Headache's 'High' and Iron Maiden's 'The Book Of Souls'. Beeso's classic album nomination: 'Mezzanine' by Massive Attack. Next week's new albums are by the Prodigy and Lana del Ray, with an old froot platteh of Noel's being spun as a quote Classic Album unquote. Next week's and this week's releases are on our #BALLS Spotify playlist.

A reminder: in this week's episodes of the pod (BALLS.28 and BALLS After Dark.20) we're running our #BirmosBalls Show Notes challenge. Retweet or re-Facebook-post a link to either episode with your own precis of the contents, like we do every episode, with the hashtag #BirmosBalls for a chance to win brand new explodey-goodness books by legendary Australian author John Birmingham. The best (not necessarily most factualist) show notes, as judged at the end of the week, win the goodies. Get amongst it.

BALLS.29 My doctor gave me these drugs

BALLS.29 My doctor gave me these drugs