BALLS After Dark.73 The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there
A.B. Original are joined by Paul Kelly himself for a cover of his 1988 hit 'Dumb Things' for Like A Version. Subscribe: Like A Version is a segment on Australian radio station triple j. Every Friday morning a musician or band comes into the studio to play one of their own songs and a cover of a song they love. Maybe you've heard but Beeso knows one of these dudes. He's pretty quiet about it though
In which Beeso and the Doc discuss a protocol for Monster Magnets, sex 'n' drugs 'n' more sex 'n' more drugs, Dawso's Pintara, Top Trumps, Not Gangsta Rap, occupying space, the magic word, the Doc's sure-fire guide to making a great comeback album and the perils of middle-aged bloat. Then, our Special Metallica Correspondent @adamhfoto joins the discussion on baroque-ass shit, CHUG CHUGGACHUG CHUGGACHUG CHUGGACHUG CHUGGACHUG, more Lars than class, demanding 50% off, prisoners of history, Reverse Patreon, Beeso drops a clanger, Triple M Like A Version, the deeper point of JJJ, Smooth FM, the Australian national anthem, lounging the fuck out of it, Paul Kelly as legal currency, get off the line there's a train coming, shithouse for a reason, unwokeness alerts and character acting.
This week we are reviewing, in reverse order of their appearance on the show, new albums from by Metallica and A Tribe Called Quest, plus a classic from Monster Magnet. Next week: SIMO, The Peep Tempel and classic Funkoars. Albums up for review are on our BALLS Spotify playlist, with our favourite tracks of 2016 on our Mixtape.
The most Monster Magnet Monster Magnet song that ever Monster Magnet-ed (apart from the entirety of our classic album, of course)
Contractually obliged Funkoars video