BALLS After Dark.36 A lot of fun and completely pointless

BALLS After Dark.36 A lot of fun and completely pointless

In which Beeso and the Doc talk soap operas, sorted for e's and cheese wizz, Shit Faker: Skip-Hop Legend, Twitter filter power rankings, a fate worse than Boomers, having Skin in the game, recycling Garbage, they aren't making any more of it, within parameters, Kurt's hurt, I like Big Muffs and I can not lie, classic Classic Albums, gendered swears, taking the piss, getting back on the gear, head-canon fodder, not angry just disappointed, and being a reverse hipster. Reviewed this week were new releases by Skunk Anansie and Massive Attack and an old one by Nirvana. Next week we're cranking the Jezebels' newie Synthia, Buckcherry's unironically titled Rock 'N' Roll and RHCP's seminal release (in more than one sense of the term) Blood Sugar Sex Magik. As always, this week and next's tunes are on the BALLS Spotify playlist.

Beeso BeeSoap. Because of course it is.

Beeso BeeSoap. Because of course it is.

BALLS.45 Hey Now, You're An All-Star

BALLS.45 Hey Now, You're An All-Star

BALLS.44 Dysfunctional Power Rankings Special

BALLS.44 Dysfunctional Power Rankings Special