BALLS After Dark.37 Reverse Patreon

BALLS After Dark.37 Reverse Patreon

In which Beeso and Dr Yobbo (still whinging about his manflu) talk Beesoap, pleasurable drives, playing to the crowd, the blame game, peak cock, Very L.A., the Doc can't remember which RHCP album he's talking about, pornographic basslines, skipping practice, Adam is wrong (although he's right about this), headphone lust, Also Very L.A., all that you'd pay good money to leave behind, the Simpsons vs King Wally, Kanye vs Molly vs Lexapro, competitive drug abuse, and getting it right in the orchestras. Album reviews this week were the Jezebels' Synthia, Buckcherry's unironically titled latest Rock 'N' Roll and RHCP's 1991 classic Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Next week we get the Frights, troll boomers from the Hilltops with an orchestra, and crank a recent Australian classic by The Vasco Era. As always, this week and next's tunes are on the BALLS Spotify playlist.

BALLS.47 This is interesting

BALLS.47 This is interesting

BALLS.46 Ill communication

BALLS.46 Ill communication