BALLS After Dark.45 Know your product
In which Beeso and the Doc ton up (golf clap) and discuss secret shows, Milk Milk(ing) Lemonade, pop eating itself, FOMO like a MOFO, D.I.V.O.R.C.E., dragging Drake, 2Chains' existential dilemma, lullabies to paralyse, Beeso epistles all over a bus shelter, The Leftovers, getting from A to B, the final insult, half time/half arsed, coming late, being blamed for shit your successors do, Nirvana in pyjamas, brassholes, kicking off, bargain bin diving at Big W, open up and say Meh, Now Available In Two Stroke, the Canadian national anthem, and registering sax offenders.
New albums this week were courtesy The Dandy Warhols and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (as distinct from the Zeros, who were better. Spoilers.) You Am I's Hi-Fi Way was the Doc's classic nomination for this week. Next week: UK soul-funkists The Heavy, Kiwi metallurgists Beastwars and INXS. Can you guess which of these isn't the new album. This and next week's albums are, as always, available for your listening pleasure on the BALLS Spotify playlist.
* Yes, our secret word for the week is 'insipid'
** Those world superbike dudes were fine, but Guinters needs a lie down
*** Listen carefully to pinpoint the exact moment the Doc's voice exploded. Hint: like many things, it's Axl Rose's fault.