BALLS.67 Sunshine, Lollypops and Rainbows
Yes, everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way when Beeso and the Doc get into the Deep Heat, not going to Rio, getting what you deserve, the beauty and purity of scrum penalties, rostered days off, the Northern Hemispherisation of Strayan rugby, Quade vs the One Out Robots, Beeso vs the Doc's DVR queue, all hail the Fat Brad Hogg, the complicated nature of national identity as it relates to international sports representation, Stop The Boatengs, YMRA EHT NIOJ, decoding Fox Sports hieroglyphics, BeefyFacts™, big bats vs small ropes, Doctorin' The Pitches, pumping the brakes, Stay Woakes, Ball gets the arse, Blaze(r) it, Steve Rixon sightings, fine for some fines for others, banana boat activism, The Purple One, the Doc forgets Julie di Caro's name, Lewis forgets to Slip Slop Slap (apart from the hat), Pogbatransferpalooza and the strangest Futurama/GoT cosplay ever.