BALLS After Dark.58 Exit Angel Dust

BALLS After Dark.58 Exit Angel Dust

This album's cactus

This album's cactus

In which Beeso and Dr Yobbo talk about voting for lizard people, keeping Austin weird, teaching your children well, neolithic riffage, Beeso's White Whale, never go full Hetfield, Domino's delivers, Patton's playing with it, how come Greatest Hits albums tend to have a lot of hits on them, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, Bol Ofsphinctas, Survey Says, drinks breaks, the BALLS Podcast Modified Bechdel Test, plugging the horn in, losing the Wil to continue, weekly discoveries, making art to feed people, going electric and TISM wish for no more Faith. Brought to you by Nespatton.

New albums this week were by Black Tusk and White Denim, with Beeso nominating Faith No More's Angel Dust as his classic of the week and his pick of their back catalogue. Next week: Canadian punks Billy Talent, Australian electro-poppists Montaigne and early-00s Californian rockers the Donnas. All of the above is on the BALLS After Dark Spotify playlist, with our favourite picks from the year so far representing on our After Dark Mixtape.

BALLS.70 Mou' Money, Mou' Problems

BALLS.70 Mou' Money, Mou' Problems

BALLS.69 Cos everybody hates a tourist, especially one who thinks it's all such a laugh

BALLS.69 Cos everybody hates a tourist, especially one who thinks it's all such a laugh