BALLS After Dark.80 Last of the Big Bangers
In which Beeso and the Doc discuss the end of the line, junction points, the new aesthetic, gone fishin', special guest stars, grey-import RAV4s, high pick busts, Blame Canada, three Troys and a Mike, uncool teenage albums, The Quickening and not struggling for #Content. New albums this week were ex- Wiley, godfather of grime, and Japandroids, a bunch of earnest Canadian types. This week's classic album was Baby Animals by (the) Baby Animals from the year nineteen hundred and ninety one. Next week we are character-assassinating quasi-supergroup Gone Is Gone's Echolocation, Brisbane stoner punks Dune Rats' The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit and Queen's 1986 sort-of-Highlander-soundtrack-album A Kind Of Magic. All that lot is repped on the BALLS After Dark Spotify playlist. We're doing another After Dark Mixtape for 2017 made up of our favourite tracks from new albums we've reviewed on the show; our completed 2016 Mixtape is also worth checking out.
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