Off to NZ for a bit of a break, to sample the climate they Flinty claims as Gods own. I was a bit dissapointed to find this wierd two prong headphone jack in the seat, so I've bypassed the poxy AirNZ headphones and the inflight movie. That choice sucks a bit because they had Burn Before Reading and Rockandrolla as two of the better choices. So I'm sticking to my decent headphones and regretting watching Classic Albums - Metallica while I waited to board. It's an awesome show that, I love the one on Nevermind the best I think.
They served a pretty decent pie, but served me up a Stienlager to go with it. Urgh. I was hoping for Tui, my favourite NZ beer, but airline economy passengers can't be choosers. So instead of watching movies on a small low res screen, I've written two blog entries while listening to the last album from The Shins. Excellent flying music, beautiful, slightly mealoncholy, pop music.
I'm looking to eating a bit of top nosh in the next few weeks and talking to a few small producers as well. In particular I'm hoping to get a look at any small dairys, to pick up any knowledge that will help me when I get my cow later this year.
Lantanaland is in the fine capable hands of The Wifes folks while we're away. They've got four baby Rouen/Muscovy ducklings to look after. By the way did you know it's quite hard to type on an iPhone during turbulence. I might leave it there.
Lantanaland from the iPhone
They served a pretty decent pie, but served me up a Stienlager to go with it. Urgh. I was hoping for Tui, my favourite NZ beer, but airline economy passengers can't be choosers. So instead of watching movies on a small low res screen, I've written two blog entries while listening to the last album from The Shins. Excellent flying music, beautiful, slightly mealoncholy, pop music.
I'm looking to eating a bit of top nosh in the next few weeks and talking to a few small producers as well. In particular I'm hoping to get a look at any small dairys, to pick up any knowledge that will help me when I get my cow later this year.
Lantanaland is in the fine capable hands of The Wifes folks while we're away. They've got four baby Rouen/Muscovy ducklings to look after. By the way did you know it's quite hard to type on an iPhone during turbulence. I might leave it there.
Lantanaland from the iPhone