Random NZ thoughts from the plane home

Writing at 3am is not really my strong suit, so this might be a little rambling. It's been a fantastic trip around NZ, about 3600km in two weeks, but we saw a fair bit. This is what has struck me about the shaky isles.

Fruit trees-I may have been a bit hopeful but I was hoping to see an apple or peach or apricot tree in every rest area and miles and miles of wild blackberrys (though really I shouldn't wish for that). I saw the odd fruit tree, but never in one of the many rest areas we stopped at for lunch and camping. I did scam a few overhanging apples from private yards and we had peaches in the van park on our first night but that was it.

The water-I never got sick of the crystal clear streams and rivers and pools around the place. The highlight was the Blue Pools, a sparkling blue pool with several brown and rainbow trout lazily swimming in the gullys and gravel beds.

The farms-I loved all the little farms I saw and I got an answer to the fence question from Kieth the dairy farmer. All fences have to be at least five strands on the boundary line. So one of my quirky mysteries solved.

The beer-I know I keep harping on about this, but I had some awesome beers over here. It'll be pretty easy to have a break from the beer in the next few weeks.

There are a heap of places I'd like to visit at a bit more leisurely pace, especially to do a touch of fishing, so I'll be back. Just plant me a few more fruit trees

Lantanaland from the iPhone

Classic Album Mindworms
