BALLS.80 On the reg: 2015-16 NBA Season Preview
In which Beeso and the Doc preview the 2016-17 NBA season by drafting every team in the Western and Eastern Conferences - whoever's teams are best placed at the end of the regular season wins Beer, nature's leading personality enhancer. Amongst all that they get into Jesus as a point guard, money back guarantes, draft room strategies, brute force and ignorance, old white guy takes, flat track bullies, screw you guys I'm going home, Pau-er Pop, seven seconds or thereabouts, the NBA's Leicester City, developmental variances, Hard To Kill, low hanging fruit, indifferent owners, Trumpian coaches, Draymond Greenpeace, ancient Italian curses, legitimate bastards, the end of basketball, mind the gap, the East: like the West but shit, take the over, carrying rocks is stupid, forming a fucking wall, looowwwww and slooowwwwww, offcuts and shite, sad endings, island mergers, setting the over/under on the number of times the Doc says D-Wade when he means D-Rose and vice versa, number 1 picks, rookie veterans, AND A TWIST AT THE END WHICH WILL SHOCK YOU.
ESPN out here just flat-out subtweeting Beeso about his garbage-fire team
Yeah it's long but here's the thing - there's always a pause button. Get another beer at halftime (1:01:30ish). Sure as hell we did.