BALLS After Dark.68 Kyuss and tell

BALLS After Dark.68 Kyuss and tell

In which Beeso and the Doc discuss Beeso still not being over having to pick the Knicks in BALLS.80, #WorseThanBoomers, smashing satire, Gen X: The Whiny Middle Child Of Generations, Neville Neville (your face is a mess), Ian Astbury goes for a Slash, layering, the thirteenth hour, the tenth album, disco meets Nirvana, why stop?, ginger vampires vs bald angry midgets, more offcuts and shite, back-end self-indulgence, Beeso holds serve, ultimate foursomes, Agent Zero, can I buy a vowel, keeping it reel to reel, can't you pick like I do, Moby surfs buttholes,*CLANG*, comic book movies, the death of the soundtrack album, one man bands and footballer singles.

This week the gentlemen responsible for this fucking omnishambles reviewed (in reverse chronological order) Kyuss alum Brant Bjork's Tao Of The Devil, Electric Six's Fresh Blood For Tired Vampyres (*cough here's Fire instead cough*) and UNKLE's War Stories (2007). Next week: Dame DOLLA (aka Portland Trail Blazers' point guard Damian Lillard) and his debut album The Letter O; The Frightnrs' Nothing More To Say; and Filter's 1999 classic Title Of Record (with half the Spawn soundtrack thrown in as bonus material). All of that on the BALLS Playlist; some of that might make the BALLS Mixtape

Dame DOLLA's biggest hit (as sampled on our original BALLS Podcast intro music)

BALLS.81 Because it's never too early to overreact to small sample sizes

BALLS.81 Because it's never too early to overreact to small sample sizes

BALLS.80 On the reg: 2015-16 NBA Season Preview

BALLS.80 On the reg: 2015-16 NBA Season Preview