BALLS.81 Because it's never too early to overreact to small sample sizes
In which Beeso and an internet-compromised Dr Yobbo talk the axing of Jackson Fired-Bird, signing dudes off the street, #LoveTheProcess, high intensity Bangers, Spurs-Dubs fallout, a Dray in the life, Lakers optimism (it's the worst), Fat Giannis, ridiculous season opening stats, break up the superteam(s), the real reason Dwyane left Miami, the real reason MCW can't wear #1, 1980s NSWRL referee deep cuts, BALLS Bowls, regrets: I've had a few, Jamie Vardy's having a party (on his own, on the bench), Premier League coach movie villain power rankings, Dave Mirra and CTE, how NFL Redzone is fucking with NFL ratings, and how Audi's marketing fibs about why it's leaving Le Mans may backfire on Formula E. The Doc's internet will return to peak performance next week; Beeso's picks we can't be as sure about.