BALLS After Dark.71 I've been drinking
In which Beeso and Dr Yobbo discuss not being built to be looked at, #disrupting #labelwank, why Perth is psychedelia central, big on stupid, wrong Lennon, quality control, dream collaborations, genresmashing, every day I'm shufflin', Rock bottom, the pacing of 80s action films, Meet The Producers, Dallas Crane: Tasmanian HQ hero, RIP Phife, crap festival performances and dropping clangers.
This week's new albums (picked by Beeso) were from the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets and the Claypool Lennon Delirium. This week's classic album Eight Arms To Hold You was brought to you by the Doc's 20+ year crush on Nina Gordon from Veruca Salt. Next week: Helmet, De La Soul and Jurassic 5 (the latter providing the classic, for avoidance of doubt.) This and last week's picks are on the BALLS Spotify playlist, with our favourites of 2016 on our Mixtape.