BALLS.84 Tilkedrome sweet home
In which Beeso and the Doc discuss taking the weekend off, Shield cricket's sudden popularity, Colin The Big Man, it's not easy playing green, 'tard acts to follow, #vicsdoingitbetter, Federation deniers, ball-tampering as a handicapping mechanism, Nine's dedication to quantity over quality, paying for better coverage, Vanthoor flips out in Macau, a pox on Tilkedromes, second hand VW/Audi diesels going cheap, mourning has broken, Simmons really cares about chicks honest, America's netball, the fuckededest, Vinsanity II: Back Vin The Habit, NBA Primetime, New York basketball stays awesome, that's a bonus, how to confuse Slovakians, derbies and clasicos, how Red Bull are destroying the purity of German football (and how you can help), and WWWD (What Will Webber Do).