BALLS After Dark.72 Fuck everyone, burn everything
In which Beeso and the Doc discuss music and everything after, #FrostysAHelmet, LSD, little aesthetics, the sound of Australia, lighters aloft, nonanonymous somebodies, deliberate foreshadowing, distilled essences, Beeso the flautist, Tupperware beats, Nazi Cheeto theme music, vale Shazza, the wrongs of rights, bingeing content, and why Elmore Leonard hates your big stupid hat.
#NeverForget #FrostysAHelmet
This week your friends who live on the internet reviewed new albums by Helmet and De La Soul, with Beeso picking Power In Numbers by Jurassic 5 (2002) as his classic. Next week we engage Full Gen X Throwback Cloud Shouting Mode with new albums by Metallica and A Tribe Called Quest, plus a late '90s stoner rock classic from Monster Magnet. This and last week's albums are on the BALLS Spotify playlist, with our favourite new tracks of 2016 on our Mixtape.