BALLS After Dark.75 Men you need to avoid

BALLS After Dark.75 Men you need to avoid

In which Beeso and the Doc talk simple answers to complicated questions, drinking game trigger warnings, anti-sex music, anti-easy-listening music, The Message, Lang Hancock was human garbage, Clip-hop, getting sledged, a man you need to avoid, collective guild, conflicts of interests, the Doc can't read, the Doc can't write either, black humour, Even flow, drunk in charge of a stereo, low grade nostalgia, crap 90s telly, bonus content, AC/DC's new business plan, beard quotients, the greatest named band-album combo of 2016, bonus bonus content, and getting you dance music that can do both.

Skaifey's last ARIA-eligible name drop was a bit more rural than 'Jan 26'

NO seriously, it's a thing

NO seriously, it's a thing

New albums this week: Reclaim Australia by A.B. Original and Darkness and Light by John Legend
Classic album: A Different High by Even (2001).
Mentioned in dispatches: A couple of Guttermouth EPs and Airbourne outchea being Airbourne.

Next week: Rise Above The Meadow by GreenleafSkydogs by The Sore LosersBlack Cherry by Goldfrapp (2003) and our bonus album - in honour of our most regular occasional guest - Konnichiwa by Skepta. AND IT'S SHUTDOWN.

Coming up soon - our end of year special. Hit us up on Twunter or Facey with your feels on your favourite albums of the year - particularly amongst those we've reviewed. Here's the master list of all the albums we've reviewed in After Dark Season 2016 (with Spotify links so you can jump in and listen for free):

BALLS After Dark new albums reviewed in 2016

BALLS After Dark classic albums reviewed in 2016

BALLS.88 Major major sausage

BALLS.88 Major major sausage

BALLS.87 Gone In 90 Seconds

BALLS.87 Gone In 90 Seconds