BALLS.87 Gone In 90 Seconds

BALLS.87 Gone In 90 Seconds

Yes, it's legit - Mercedes-AMG F1 placed this ad in the latest issue of Autosport.

Yes, it's legit - Mercedes-AMG F1 placed this ad in the latest issue of Autosport.

In which Beeso and the Doc discuss Fox on the box, being part of the conversation, the NBA killing the NFL on the socials, banter on the internets, clusterfucks of complexity, Mo Speights Mo Problems, Klay gets 60 in a minute and a half, unselfish selfishness, Feet Tourettes, the coach of the year is pretty good at coaching, destination v journey, Beeso loves the Eastern Conference, the Knicks' fake run,, Shitlanta, Ed Cowan gets found out, video killed the shit coaching plan, Maxi Pissed, the unutterable pointlessness of the Chappell-Hadlee series, championship belts, Westralian Marshistanis, Lewis stays salty, who's getting Nico's seat, shouts to SVG, the sustainably-high-variance Raiders, #MCICHE, revisiting the Doc's all-haiku Premier League predictions, Less-ter flirt with relegation, nobody's talking about Ernie Merrick, the A-League revolution will be televised, Leeds are United and Rafa's rough year.

BALLS NBA Draft standings at time of recording

BALLS NBA Draft standings at time of recording

Following the recording of this ep, the Doc has figured out the NBA Championship Belt holders for the season so far. Here's who has held the belt, under Ranfurly Shield rules (ie you defend it at home and can only lose it to someone coming into yours and beating you) this is who's held the belt this year, and assuming Cleveland are the carryover champs from 2015-16:

  • Atlanta took the belt from Cleveland on Nov 8 (US time)
  • New Orleans took the belt from Atlanta on Nov 22
  • LA Clippers took the belt from New Orleans on Dec 2
  • And immediately coughed it up to Indiana on Dec 4 cos they suck
  • Current holder: the Indiana Pacers, who host Portland tonight (Sat US time) on the second game of a back-to-back after losing to the alt-right, all-shite Mavs in Dallas. If they win it'll obviously be a false-flag operation on behalf of the Mavs. If they do hang on to the belt there, they defend the belt against Charlotte on Monday US time.

If our fictitious NBA Championship Belt is up for grabs every game, home or away, shit gets more complex - see scribble at right because fuck re-typing it all. Atlanta and Portland have both held the belt twice under this system, which may indicate that it's a steaming bag of crap which is best forgotten, much like the Blazers' defence. Long live the Ranfurly Shield (...model of deciding championship belts).

BALLS After Dark.75 Men you need to avoid

BALLS After Dark.75 Men you need to avoid

BALLS After Dark.74 Save it for the pod

BALLS After Dark.74 Save it for the pod