BALLS After Dark.74 Save it for the pod
In which Beeso and the Doc talk the philosophy and geography of Rockhampton, why is Brisbane, modified by circumstance, shouts to Keith, grading on a curve, straight outta Nashville, everything's been done, throwbacks to the Great Blur Album Debate of After Dark.41, early Beasties, long leads, how the mighty have etc etc, BDF, renaissance men, broad churches, NfaMustn't, legendary covers, Even at Livid, beer advent calendars and reclaiming #ReclaimAustralia.
This week's new albums were by The Peep Tempel and SIMO, with Funkoars providing Beeso's classic. Next week: A.B. Original, John Legend and Even's A Different High from 2001. Albums up for review are on our BALLS Spotify playlist, with our almost-complete Greatest Hits of 2016 on our BALLS Mixtape. International listeners unable to pick up A.B. Original on their Spotify aerial should check out Golden Era Records's YouTube channel or the Australian iTunes store to listen in.