BALLS.58 Is this canon?
In which, with Beeso away on a dirty weekend, the Doc and guest host Adamhfoto discuss having all the gear and no idea, history repeating, little chippy guys with big mates, bonus dead air, subtweeting via the medium of three point shots, Home Brand Warriors, exceptionalism, Bugger Arse is buggered, OKC is also buggered, Hawks-Swans is bad, the Suns are setting, the Gold Coast is a graveyard, the peninsula is insular, the Tokyo Sexwhales, a man announces he is changing jobs, Red Zone and Red Tube are different platforms, Hawks-Swans is still bad, points vs playoffs redux, cycling: test cricket with better scenery, Brazil: it's fucked, how New Zealanders train for rowing events, happy 21st Annual St Totteringham's Day, the karma of #LVGIn, feet of clay, Dick of Christmas, finding your level, Adam watches golf, why not make scratch louder, Hawks-Swans is beyond salvation, and why all sportsmen are bastards.