BALLS After Dark.60 Metallica Is For Lovers
In which Beeso and Dr Yobbo relitigate the Great FNM Classic Album Wars, before with a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi Ho Fuck-You-Malcolm we review new albums from Stonefield and the Julie Ruin and pull apart a late 90s hip hop classic from Gang Starr. Not in that order. In fact, completely not in that order. Also featured: fuck-boring rap tropes, badly named music genres, Rule 34b, sax offences and we break out the world's tiniest Fender X-Plorer-shaped violin. Next week's nu shite: Drapht, Amity Affliction and Spiderbait's Grand Slam. All on the BALLS After Dark Spotify playlist; our favourite picks of the year so far are on the After Dark Mixtape.