BALLS.73 Truth, Justice and the Australian Way

BALLS.73 Truth, Justice and the Australian Way

In which Beeso and the Doc obliquely skirt around the exceedingly heinous news about a very washed point guard from a very bad basketball team before talking Bulldogs banner banter, AFL pay inequalities and structural inequities, killing a man with your bare hands because he called you dude, kissing the flag, rural Skynet, Capt'n Dum Dum, the Pitch Doctor is In, tourist tat, Ricky Bobby Does LA, another shoeing, qualified statements, Johnny Baby, overdoing the bronzer and DIY shownotes.

Down with this sort of thing

Down with this sort of thing

BALLS After Dark.61 Not in those shoes mate

BALLS After Dark.61 Not in those shoes mate

BALLS After Dark.60 Metallica Is For Lovers

BALLS After Dark.60 Metallica Is For Lovers