BALLS After Dark.63 That's Fairly Interesting

BALLS After Dark.63 That's Fairly Interesting

In which Beeso and the Doc talk nihilism, US vs UK origins of punk, doing the pop, is grime today's British punk, pour less sugar on me, reviewing by Google autocomplete, carping on, who's winning at After Dark, Discover Weekly 2015 Edition, #Hottest100HotTakes, girls like that (don't go for pods like ours), Brisbane v Melbourne bands, Shit Faker, peak festival, Darren and the other one, Dave McCormack's guide to Sydney, Overpoweredfinger, Easter eggs, the internet disappoints and the Doc self edits, poorly. 

This week's new albums were from KT Tunstall and Koi Child, with the Doc nominating Possibly The First Punk Rock Album Ever Released And For Quite Some Decades Most Certainly The Loudest, Iggy and the Stooges' Raw Power as this week's classic. Next week's albums are Spend The Night With Cheena from the aforementioned Cheena, Savage Kings by Barrence Whitfield & the Savages, and 90's Brisvegas classic Double Allergic from Powderfinger. All of the above are on our BALLS After Dark Playlist, with our 2016 faves representing on the Mixtape. Your BALLS After Dark Drinking Game trigger words this week are interesting, aesthetic and misogynist. Please gamble with your liver responsibly.

BALLS.76 Bosh Point No

BALLS.76 Bosh Point No

BALLS.75 "The taste... is-a not so bad"

BALLS.75 "The taste... is-a not so bad"