BALLS.76 Bosh Point No

BALLS.76 Bosh Point No

In which Beeso and the Doc discuss the following issues and/or topics: Essendon's Jobe seekers, Feminism For Men, the Shire's greatest achievement, Beeso cannot geography, everyone hates GWS, where pro sports go to die, Old England Patriots, VG (Victory over Garbage) Day, Never Simmons, Brady to the Browns, playing with your own balls, cleaning up slimy releases, Wrong Way Marty, statistical evidence that ownership of landlines correlates strongly with ownership of shithouse racist takes, back to the front, unexpected yet entirely on-brand Harambe references, the hidden cost of protests, giving good crowd, Gemma Atherton is not an English actress (nor is she a mountain bike rider because Beeso cannot remember people's names either), five stripes on the shirt, dying to compete, the only place further down the totem pole of washedupedness than Mosgiel club rugby, underdog rep selections, Justin Thurston, narrative versus reality, Kane is able, Timchell Starcthee, live score updates from games that ended days ago, Wil to win, Chris Bosh takes on the Heat/the league/the ravages of time, tutorials with Tim, electric cars in hipster NY neighbourhoods, telecommuting to a title and patchy endings.



BALLS After Dark.64 Obnoxious But Memorable: The BALLS Podcast Story

BALLS After Dark.64 Obnoxious But Memorable: The BALLS Podcast Story

BALLS After Dark.63 That's Fairly Interesting

BALLS After Dark.63 That's Fairly Interesting