BALLS After Dark.61 Not in those shoes mate

BALLS After Dark.61 Not in those shoes mate

In which Beeso and the Doc discuss This Is Hardcore, where AGBs fit on Moh's hardness scale, daddy issues, Spotify downvoting, Genuine Drapht, Beeso's mate, hip-pop, Skithouse, remembering stuff, being from 1967, sound systems, second winds, long shortlists, (Show)Notes To Self, upstairs at Ric's, Intestinal Fortitude Valley, Jersey Day, why cab ranks are appropriately named, Long Walk To Hangover Freedom, the end of the podcast, and what the hell were we talking about again. Reviewed this week: Amity Affliction, Drapht, and Spiderbait's Grand Slam. Next week we're hearing from DeWolff, Screaming Females and Wicked Beat Sound System c. 2000 - all on the BALLS After Dark Spotify playlist. If decent, they may turn up on the After Dark Mixtape. If not, we'll just bitch about it on the podcast. As per.

BALLS.74 Weekend At Peyton's

BALLS.74 Weekend At Peyton's

BALLS.73 Truth, Justice and the Australian Way

BALLS.73 Truth, Justice and the Australian Way